Alexandra, born in Rybnik / Poland in the mid-seventies, has been drawing and painting since she was able to think. Even as a toddler she created charcoal / chalk drawings with various motifs, already with light and shadow effects, fascinated by the resulting depth effect.
As the daughter of a master painter, she had access to all painting utensils, which is why she acquired all conceivable techniques in an autodidactic manner from an early age. The works created at that time were mostly based on a motif, an oil painting with the motif “House with village life” won the winner's prize in the “Young painters” competition in Poland. Unfortunately the painting was stolen during the following exhibition.
At the beginning of the nineties she emigrated with her parents to Germany / Bavaria, where she is still based today.
At that time there was no way for her to pursue her talent. It was only at the turn of the millennium that she was able to follow her calling again - now with abstract images that emerge from the deepest soul feeling without a motif or name. Some pictures have been changed by her over the years, simply out of the inner need to create something coherent and meaningful.
She has kept this style of painting to this day ...
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